Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Cell Salt Deficiency: The Root Cause of Disease


Did you know that the body requires 12 essential cell salts?  Now, I know what you’re probably thinking:  What is a cell salt?  Great question, but before we look at its’ technical definition, let’s take a quick look at what a cell salt sustains.  Example:  We need Iron, Potassium Sulphate, Potassium Phosphorous, Kali Mur, Nutrum, Nutrum Phosphorous, and Magnesium Phosphorous, and what you’ve just created is blood.  Without these Cell Salts, your very blood could not even exist.  So the question is:  What is Cell Salt deficiency?  Simply put, it is a lack of Cell Salts, which are the primary ingredient for life.  Let’s take it a step further:  did you know that the intestines has 71 pockets that house the 12 essential Cell Salts in combination form, which provide sustaining nourishment to all of the body’s systems?  (See chart to the right)

The Ionized Factor:  Ionized Minerals are biologically active in the body.  Meaning, if the mineral supplement you are taking is not properly Ionized, most of it is expelled from the body through waste, not providing any health benefits whatsoever. 

For example, suppose you have a calcium deficiency, which is between pockets 10 & 11 of the gastrointestinal system, then you are lacking Magnesium Phosphate and Calcium Sulphate.  Replace those 2 and your Calcium balance returns, so now we can throw away the chalky stuff, because it is not Ionized

Let’s take a look at another example, if pocket #8 is clogged or backed up, then you have a 99% chance of having an asthmatic condition, or mammary gland issues.  This pocket assimilates silica, which, as we now know, must be Ionized in order to be properly assimilated into the cellular membrane of the human body, something most of us have not had in years. 

In conclusion:  All process in the body are dependent upon Cell Salt assimilation and Cell Salt assimilation is dependent upon Ionization.  To learn more, or to explore some Ionized Mineral Blend products, please visit

Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Little Bit About Us

What is BioGeoGenetics?

BioGeoGenetics is a unique, one-of-a-kind science based on independent research conducted right here within our own organization.  This ongoing commitment to confirm different sources of knowledge using unfiltered, unbiased research leads us to understand these sciences more accurately.  Because of this, our products are always evolving and improving based on new data.  Our research has led us to understand the effectiveness of a particular type of natural health implementation known as Trace Mineral and Cell Salts.  These salts and minerals are made through a process of organic chemistry and provide the body with electromagnetic conductivity, the life force of the human body.  Our company also researches the most effective ways of producing these minerals and salts which enables us to patent our own production methods.   Our company produces the world’s most effective, powerful Trace Minerals and Cell Salts and makes them available to the general public. 


Premium nutritional supplementation of the musculoskeletal system.  Naturally alleviates pain and discomforts association with the bones and joints.
BioGeoGenetics presents the next level in nutritional supplementation of the respiratory system with our signature Celox Respiratory Formular.  This Formula goes to work quickly repairing and revitalizing deficient cells, increasing lung capacity and endurance, and relieving discomforts of the throat and esophagus. 
Clearer Eyes

Experience the ultimate in eye health and nutrition with BioGeoGenetics Clearer Eyes Vision Enhancement Formular, a potent blend of vitamins, nutrients, Trace Minerals & Cell Salts that saturates the retinal cells with hydration and nourishment.  Clearer Eyes Formular goes to work quickly to enhance vision and color perception, and restoring youthful vitality to your Eyes.

Pain Away

Pain Away is premium nutritional supplementation of the cartilage, joints, tendons, and muscles.  Using the science of Trace Mineral and Cell Salt Blending, this formular goes to work quickly repairing and revitalizing deficient cells, relieving tension, and restoring flexibility and functionality to damaged muscular tissue.Great to meet you.  E-mail us with your shipping address and we'll send you some complimentary product!